Is It Selfish To Do What You Love?

I’ve discovered that there are two types of people in the world -  those that passionately believe you should do what you love and those who believe it’s a little selfish and unrealistic.

I do agree that our culture can be individualistic. We can easily become caught up in our own world and forget the wider reality and needs of the world around us.  However does that make it selfish to do what you love? To invest your time and energies in things that bring you joy?

I believe there is a huge difference between the desire to be extraordinary and receive widespread recognition for what we do, vs our soul’s longing to know that what we are doing matters.  The former is based on the need to be enough and looking to the world to receive affirmation that who we are and what we contribute are ok. I believe we should give our time, energies and passions to things that we believe matter.  I believe that when we do what we love everybody wins.

I think it’s really hard to commit your life to a cause you don’t believe in. To wake up every morning and feel disillusioned with how you’re going to spend your day. To come home feeling drained and frustrated. To know what you’re doing doesn’t suit who you are or what you’re good at. To let your fear be bigger than your fight. To let all the passion, energy and delight of doing what you enjoy remain untapped. For your family and friends to miss out on seeing you at your best.  

I am encouraged and inspired by the number of people I know who find huge joy in what they do. Some work in business, others in full time ministry, some have set up charities and moved their family and their lives to some of the poorest parts of the world. All of them would say they love what they’re doing, that they wouldn’t change it. However I know they would also talk about how incredibly hard it has been at times, that there have been huge sacrifices, difficult decisions and long hours and lonely days. Which is why it matters so much that we deeply believe in what we do. 

People who love what they do have made the connection between what they are passionate about, their natural strengths and the needs of the world.

What matters to you? What activities and ideas make you come alive? What in the world makes you angry? When you come to the end of your life, what will you regret not having done?

There is huge joy in knowing that we are investing our time and energy in bringing transformation. How we all do that may look vastly different.  

Loving what you do isn’t selfish, it’s essential.


Hello New Year


Embracing Uncertainty